Born in Monza, on 4 August 1963 and living in Merate.
Certificate of Artistic High School obtained in Monza at the “Liceo Artistico S. Giuseppe”.
Five years of School of Art of Water Colour with the Master Trivulzio.
Two years of School of Nude with Sponziello brothers, Masters at the Brera Academy.
Course of Decorative Abstractionism.
Course of two years of Sculpture of Clay.
Course of two years of Graphic Illustration.
Three years of Perspective and Architectonic Drawing applied to Figurative Arts.
Specializations of pastel, pencil, water colour, tempera, oil. Fresco on canvas and canvas cartoon. Drawings on cloth.
Her subjects can be found in many fields of the figurative arts: landscapes, copies “en plein air”, still life, portraits, animals, human figures, nude. She has always been interested in other cultures (from a literary, figurative and pictorial point of view), both ancient and contemporary as sources of inspiration. She is a skilled painter especially of Space Art, both for contents and expression. She has always been fond of physics and astronomy. She translates such concepts with drawings and paintings, using fantasy and creativity to express even herself in her favourite field, that of Space Art.
Artworks, frescoes and paintings on wall by Cristina Cereda can be found in Astronomical Observatories, Planetary and Italian Astronomical Parks.
She is currently a teacher of oil painting at the Pure and Applied Art School of Merate.
She has attended the free course of “Astronomy” of Professor Marco Bersanelli, Regular Professor of Astronomy at the Faculty of Physics, Celoria Street, Milan, scientific professor in charge of the project group of Planck Satellite – ESA, member of “Antartide” commission – Rome.
Course “Introduction to the theory physics” of Professor Silvia Penati, Bicocca University of Milan, INFN, researcher at the CERN-Geneva.
Seminar about “Physics Colloquia” at the Faculty of Physics, Celoria Street, Milan: “Massive Black Holes and Galaxies” of Professor P.R. Genzel (former director of the Max Planck Institut für extraterrestrische Physik, Garching – München, Professor at the Departments of Physics and Astronomy, University of California, Berkeley, USA) by invitation of Professor Bersanelli.
Practical course of astronomy at the Astronomical Observatory “La Torre del Sole”, Brembate di Sopra, of the Research manager and Graduate Davide Dal Prato and of Mr. Fausto Affaticati.
Free course of “Theory Astrophysics” of Professor G. Bertin, Regular Professor of Theory Astrophysics at the Faculty of Physics, Celoria Street, Milan.
11 April 2013: symposium dedicated to the first cosmological results of the satellite Planck, Department of Physics – introduction of Professor Marco Bersanelli; with the participation of Professor Malcolm Longair (Cavendish Laboratory,
Cambridge UK) “Cosmology before Planck”.
Course of "History of Science and Technics" Prof. Leonardo Gariboldi, member of "Commission for the History of Modern Physics - International Union of History and Philosophy of Science"- Faculty of Physics, via Celoria, Milan.
Physics Colloquia 2013-2014
Jocelyn Bell-Burnell
"Reflections on the discovery of Pulsar"
Topic: Astrophysics
Affiliation: Univ.Oxford, UK
SAIt- Società Astronomica Italiana- INAF- Istituto Nazionale di Astrofisica.
LVIII Conresso SAIt- Milano- 13-16 maggio2014- Palazzo Cusani via Brera 15.
"Cosmic structures: from the Solar System to the limits of the Universe"
George Efstathiou
"Inflation: why do we need and did it happen?"
17 March 2015
Topic: Theoretical Cosmology
Affiliation: Institute of Astronomy - University of Cambridge (GBR)
Foundation Clémont Filletroz-ONLUS at the Astronomical Observatory of the Valle d'Aosta (OAVdA).
- Astronomical Observatory of Brera – Merate
- Technical High School F. Viganò – Merate “L’arte racconta la scienza”
- High School M. G. Agnesi – Merate “Delle scienze imitabili e come la pittura è imitabile, però è scienza” (L. Da Vinci)
- Astronomical Observatory “La Torre del Sole” – Brembate di Sopra
- Town Library of Villongo
- Frescoes on behalf, like the one according to the subject of the Astronomical Observatory “La Torre del Sole” – Brembate di Sopra (in the hall).
- Conferences about “Spaceart and Astroarte”
"The stars of van Gogh - the Provence's skies "
Cristina Cereda tra i 2 artisti italiani accettati dall'associazione americana Iaaa (Merate Online)
Born in Monza, on 4 August 1963 and living in Merate.
Certificate of Artistic High School obtained in Monza at the “Liceo Artistico S. Giuseppe”.
Five years of School of Art of Water Colour with the Master Trivulzio.
Two years of School of Nude with Sponziello brothers, Masters at the Brera Academy.
Course of Decorative Abstractionism.
Course of two years of Sculpture of Clay.
Course of two years of Graphic Illustration.
Three years of Perspective and Architectonic Drawing applied to Figurative Arts.
Specializations of pastel, pencil, water colour, tempera, oil. Fresco on canvas and canvas cartoon. Drawings on cloth.
Her subjects can be found in many fields of the figurative arts: landscapes, copies “en plein air”, still life, portraits, animals, human figures, nude. She has always been interested in other cultures (from a literary, figurative and pictorial point of view), both ancient and contemporary as sources of inspiration. She is a skilled painter especially of Space Art, both for contents and expression. She has always been fond of physics and astronomy. She translates such concepts with drawings and paintings, using fantasy and creativity to express even herself in her favourite field, that of Space Art.
Artworks, frescoes and paintings on wall by Cristina Cereda can be found in Astronomical Observatories, Planetary and Italian Astronomical Parks.
She is currently a teacher of oil painting at the Pure and Applied Art School of Merate.
She has attended the free course of “Astronomy” of Professor Marco Bersanelli, Regular Professor of Astronomy at the Faculty of Physics, Celoria Street, Milan, scientific professor in charge of the project group of Planck Satellite – ESA, member of “Antartide” commission – Rome.
Course “Introduction to the theory physics” of Professor Silvia Penati, Bicocca University of Milan, INFN, researcher at the CERN-Geneva.
Seminar about “Physics Colloquia” at the Faculty of Physics, Celoria Street, Milan: “Massive Black Holes and Galaxies” of Professor P.R. Genzel (former director of the Max Planck Institut für extraterrestrische Physik, Garching – München, Professor at the Departments of Physics and Astronomy, University of California, Berkeley, USA) by invitation of Professor Bersanelli.
Practical course of astronomy at the Astronomical Observatory “La Torre del Sole”, Brembate di Sopra, of the Research manager and Graduate Davide Dal Prato and of Mr. Fausto Affaticati.
Free course of “Theory Astrophysics” of Professor G. Bertin, Regular Professor of Theory Astrophysics at the Faculty of Physics, Celoria Street, Milan.
11 April 2013: symposium dedicated to the first cosmological results of the satellite Planck, Department of Physics – introduction of Professor Marco Bersanelli; with the participation of Professor Malcolm Longair (Cavendish Laboratory,
Cambridge UK) “Cosmology before Planck”.
Course of "History of Science and Technics" Prof. Leonardo Gariboldi, member of "Commission for the History of Modern Physics - International Union of History and Philosophy of Science"- Faculty of Physics, via Celoria, Milan.
Physics Colloquia 2013-2014
Jocelyn Bell-Burnell
"Reflections on the discovery of Pulsar"
Topic: Astrophysics
Affiliation: Univ.Oxford, UK
SAIt- Società Astronomica Italiana- INAF- Istituto Nazionale di Astrofisica.
LVIII Conresso SAIt- Milano- 13-16 maggio2014- Palazzo Cusani via Brera 15.
"Cosmic structures: from the Solar System to the limits of the Universe"
George Efstathiou
"Inflation: why do we need and did it happen?"
17 March 2015
Topic: Theoretical Cosmology
Affiliation: Institute of Astronomy - University of Cambridge (GBR)
Foundation Clémont Filletroz-ONLUS at the Astronomical Observatory of the Valle d'Aosta (OAVdA).
- Astronomical Observatory of Brera – Merate
- Technical High School F. Viganò – Merate “L’arte racconta la scienza”
- High School M. G. Agnesi – Merate “Delle scienze imitabili e come la pittura è imitabile, però è scienza” (L. Da Vinci)
- Astronomical Observatory “La Torre del Sole” – Brembate di Sopra
- Town Library of Villongo
- Frescoes on behalf, like the one according to the subject of the Astronomical Observatory “La Torre del Sole” – Brembate di Sopra (in the hall).
- Conferences about “Spaceart and Astroarte”
"The stars of van Gogh - the Provence's skies "
Cristina Cereda tra i 2 artisti italiani accettati dall'associazione americana Iaaa (Merate Online)